Brief outline of the book amos

The book of amos is relatively short, spanning nine chapters. Psalm 150, probably the theme of the book, could well be the chorus of every psalm. Indictment of foreign nations and judah and israel chap 1, 2 condemnation of wicked samaria chaps 35 foretelling judgment and promise of restoration and prosperity chaps 6. Amos, the first hebrew prophet to have a biblical book named for him. In 108 verses, there are 54 imperatives commands, prompting some to call james the amos of the new testament. Old testament of the bible cliffsnotes study guides book. If you are looking for a summary or outline or summary of colossians then you have come to the right place. Hear this word, you cows of bashan who are on the mountain of samaria, who oppress the poor, who crush the needy, who say to your husbands, bring now, that we may drink.

The lord roars from zion, and utters his voice from jerusalem. The purpose of the book of amos was to announce gods holy judgment on the kingdom of israel the. Ecclesiastes is certainly a book worthy of careful study. Prophet jonah runs away, jonah in the belly of the fish, prays, obeys god, nineveh, bottlegourd, mercy. His prophecy concludes with only a brief glimpse of restoration, and even that is directed to judah, rather than the northern kingdom of israel 9. Outline of amos it is our hope that this outline of amos will assist you in your study of gods word. His major themes of social justice, gods omnipotence and role as creator, and divine. Outline of the book of amos you only have i know of all the families of the earth. Hear this word which the lord has spoken against you, sons of israel, against the entire family which he brought up from the land of egypt.

Amos was a contemporary of hosea, isaiah, and jonah. Lexical there are several excellent lexicons available for ancient hebrew. Amos chapter four commentary by ron beckham audio bible study amos 4. Summary of the book of amos the story of the bible. Apr 02, 2020 book of amos, the third of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets, collected in one book under the jewish canon titled the twelve. Transcribed and edited by david sielaff, february 20. There are two unequal sections in the book of hosea, composed of chapters and 414. Jonahs preaching in nineveh must have been similar. Shepherds in that region had to make extensive trips to feed their flocks. These bible book outlines are intended to assist you as you study gods wor d. The book of amos, which is the earliest of the prophetic writings to be preserved in book form, consists of nine chapters. Amos lived in the kingdom of judah but preached in the northern kingdom of.

Christopher chelpka brief outlines of the books of the bible. Hebrew and english lexicon of the old testament by francis brown, s. The book of acts gives us a history of the work of the early church and the holy spirit, within the theatre of the known world. Obadiah written by obadiah the prophet obadiah warns edom they will soon be judged for their attacks against gods people. According to an unsubstantiated jewish tradition the ascension of isaiah, he was sawed in half during the reign of manasseh cf. The book opens with a historical note about the prophet, then a short oracle announcing yahwehs judgment. Amos is a shepherd and a fruit picker from the judean village of tekoa when god calls him, even though he lacks an education or a priestly background. The prophet amos lived during the long reign of king jeroboam ii. Amos and hosea were coworkers and may even have gone on preaching tours through the land together, although hosea continued his work after amos passed from the scene. Israel is under the rule of jeroboam 11 and later pekah depending on actual date. It is based on the german lexicon by william gesenius. Like the book of amos, the book of hosea is addressed to the people of the northern kingdom israel. He has always been admired for the purity of his language, his beauty of diction, and his poetic art. Commentaries describe the area as somewhat rugged, rocky, and with sparse grazing fields.

This summary of the book of amos provides information about the title, authors, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of amos. Bad things will happen soon amos the book of amos easyenglish bible the man with a difficult message from god amos a commentary by mark kirkpatrick. Amos, a judaean prophet from the village of tekoa, was active in the northern kingdom of israel during the reign of jeroboam ii c. Six kings ruled during the last tragic 25 years of israel. We find two quotations from the book of amos in the acts of the apostles. It should also be noted as further evidence for an early date for the book that it is located in the hebrew canon between hosea and amos.

Not one of the recognized prophets of israel, nor was he a priest, not even a native of israel but a farmer called of the lord from judah to warn the northern kingdom of the coming judgement. While hosea only prophesied regarding israel amos also prophesied concerning the neighbouring nations of israel. Amos also preaches that judah and israel will be punished for embracing wickedness and rejecting the lord. The book opens with a historical note about the prophet, then a short oracle announcing yahwehs judgment repeated. Amos mission is directed to his neighbor to the north, israel. Intro to isaiah biblica the international bible society. God raised up the prophet amos, as an act of his great mercy to a people who repeatedly shunned.

Book of amos overview insight for living ministries. As you read the pages of scripture, ask yourself, what does this passage tell me about god. Amos communicated gods utter disdain for the hypocritical lives of his people amos 5. Amos was a shepherd in a region called tekoa, about six miles south of bethlehem. Man in a state of blessedness, fall, and recovery man in view it has been well stated that the book of genesis is the entire bible in miniature all great truths of scripture are germinal in genesis. The editor has placed a brief message from amos in v. This indicates that jewish tradition considered the book of early origin merrill f.

A summary, synopsis or recap is a shortened version of the original. Editors and copyists added comments to the prophets original oracles that they deemed appropriate in light of events that occurred after his death. The book of amos was written during the era of divided kingdoms of israel but in an age which is much prosperous than the previous times especially the northern kingdom of isreal with ruler jeroboam ii reached at such a level of growth and prosperity as was not seen after david and solomon. These are wise sayings that will prod our thinking, and exhortations that will provide stability and direction for living. Watch our overview video on the book of amos, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Amos is a shepherd and a fruit picker from the judean village of tekoa. Indictment of foreign nations and judah and israel chap 1, 2 condemnation of wicked samaria chaps 35 foretelling judgment and promise of restoration and prosperity chaps 69. The book is clearly written by hosea during the days jeroboam ii king of israel.

In the first two chapters, he announces that the whole area of the northern kingdom of. In recent years several attempts have been made to discover an overall structural pattern in the book of amos. In the first two chapters, he announces that the whole area of the northern kingdom of israel was going to suffer punishment for its evil. This amos should not be confused with amoz, the father of isaiah. During hoseas lifetime kings priests and all their aristocratic supporters had. Detailed outline of the book of micah bible blender november 10, 2010 detailed outline of the book of micah 20171014t10. The prophet amos was born in the territory of judah but he prophesied to the northern kingdom of israel and the wicked king jeroboam ii. Jeroboam the son of joash not to be confused with jeroboam the son of nevat, the first king of the northern kingdom of the ten tribes reigned over the ten tribes of israel for forty years from the year 3114 till 3153 after creation. Zechariah pictures christ in both his first coming zechariah 9.

Amos gives an introduction and the theme of his repeated message 1. The book of amos is the third of the twelve minor prophets in the tanakhold testament and the second in the greek septuagint tradition. Throughout the book, the prophet speaks to the people of israel about the critical situation that developed during the. The book of obadiah a brief outline of the book sermons. A brief introduction and overview of the book of colossians.

Gabriel appears to zacharias and announces the birth of john, vv. Summary the book of amos, which is the earliest of the prophetic writings to be preserved in book form, consists of nine chapters. To help you remember the content of the bible, ive put together a collection of outlines and subtitles for every book of the bible. Amos, a judaean prophet from the village of tekoa, was active in the northern kingdom. Brief outlines of the books of the bible outlines of the books of the bible. Amos with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. From the empowering by the holy spirit in chapter 2, the early church made a great impact on all it encountered, the apostles peter and john playing a. Amos was apparently a peripatetic prophet who kept repeating a basic message, the summary for which is given by amaziah in 7. It begins with a very short introduction from amos himself, in which he names the kings reigning over israel and judah in his time, and he proceeds to proclaim that it was god himself who has given him the visions of which he is about to declare to israel and judah. Detailed outline of the book of micah bible blender.

In the book of amos, we find two uses amos performed. Isaiah son of amoz is often thought of as the greatest of the writing prophets. Book of amos read, study bible verses online bible study tools. The message of amos, except for the last chapter, is one of pure condemnation and judgment. The book of amos amos was a sheepbreeder of tekoa in judah, who delivered his oracles in the northern kingdom during the prosperous reign of jeroboam ii 786746 b.

All 66 books of the bible in easy, onesentence summaries. He prophesied in israel at the great cult center of bethel, from which he was finally expelled by the priest in charge of this royal sanctuary 7. The purpose of the book of amos was to announce gods holy judgment on the kingdom of israel the northern kingdom, call them to repentance, and to turn from their selfrighteous sins and idolatry. Resources include introductions to biblical books, studies of specific bible books and passages, and discussion of a variety of topics on which the bible speaks. He was a herder of sheep and possibly cattle and a cultivator of sycamore figs amos 1. Birth of the perfect man and his family, chapters a. Jonah bible study outlinecontents by chapter and verse. The book of amos was likely written between 760 and 753 b. Its fourteen chapters contain both a warning concerning future events and an interpretation of these events meanings. Amos written by amos a shepherd named amos predicts neighboring nations will be punished by conquerors from the north, and of the fulfillment of the messiahs kingdom. As in the book of hosea religion was prospering but faith in the one true god yhwh was on the decline. Bartsch, 2 b2 the address to samaria 4 c1 the sensual and religious sin of israel 4. Although we do not know precisely when the book of amos was written, the book begins with the explanation that amos preached during the reign of uzziah in judah and of jeroboam ii in israel in the eighth century b.

Amos may have been a fellow laborer with the prophet hosea in the kingdom of israel. Uzziah was king of judah, and jeroboam ii was king of israel. We hope that you will come to know and love him deeply. The book of amos is one of the least understood in the holy scriptures.

Because we are in christ jesus, the law cannot condemn us and the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus frees us from the law of sin and of death 8. This summary of the book of hosea provides information about the title, authors, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of hosea. In that respect, its possible to think of the book of zechariah as a kind of miniature book of isaiah. The main purpose of a summary is as a simplification highlighting the major points from the original and much longer version of the subject. You will note that the books are not laidout chronologically according to their date of writing. Book of amos, the third of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets, collected in one book under the jewish canon titled the twelve. Noble 18otter close, bar hill, cambridge cb3 8ea, england.

In this epistle is a call to be doers of the word, manifesting a living faith through ones works. This summary of the book of amos provides information about the title, authors, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the. This outline and bibliography are offered with the prayer that they will enhance the study of the book of hosea for the busy pastor who must take time from an already busy schedule to make preparation for a weeks study in his church. The book of zechariah contains the clearest and the largest number of messianic about the messiah passages among the minor prophets.

In all these respects he is isaiahs spiritual progenitor. Book of amos summary we have detailed a brief summary of the book of amos for bible study or sunday school lessons. Traveled north to israel bethel to preach as one called of god 7. Gabriel appears to mary and announces the virgin birth of jesus, vv. Book of zechariah overview insight for living ministries.

Spoke in bethel center for idol worship in israel and then in judah under jeroboam. Outline of the book of hosea for the spirit of whoredom hath caused them to err hosea 4. The contents of the book may be analyzed further as follows. What we know of amos derives solely from the book that he himself authored. God raised up the prophet amos, as an act of his great mercy to a people who repeatedly shunned and disobeyed him. Paul begins his letter to the colossian church, with greetings and thanks giving, however he is soon onto the main. Throughout the book, we will find what the preacher later describes as goads and nails cf. Apr 06, 2011 amos, an older contemporary of hosea and isaiah, was active c. Although peace and apparent prosperity reigns, judgement and chaos are just around the corner. Amos 12 amos prophesies that the lord would pour out judgments upon syria, the philistines, tyre, edom, the people of ammon, and moab because of their wickedness. Amos lived in the kingdom of judah but preached in the northern kingdom of israel. He was a contemporary of amos, hosea and micah, beginning his ministry in 740 b.

Not all of the material found in these chapters came from amos himself. Amos, an older contemporary of hosea and isaiah, was active c. The words of amos reveal jehovahs mercy towards an unworthy people. Amos is the first of the prophets to write down the messages he has received.

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