Phase equilibrium lecture notes

Phase equilibria the equilibrium phase is always the one with the lowest free energy g h t s the driving force for a phase change is the minimization of free energy equilibrium state with minimum free energy under some specified combination of temperature, pressure, and composition e. Phase equilibrium phase equilibrium is the study of the equilibrium which exists between or within different states of matter namely solid, liquid and gas. Phase equilibrium introduction part 1 chemistry notes. For a phase transition, the two phases are in equilibrium. Derivation of phase rule, brief concept on one and two component system, application of phase rule to three component systems of both solids. Phase equilibrium between a dissolving gas, a, and its dissolved concentration, ah.

Solutions concentration measures, molarity, molality, mole fraction thermodynamics of mixing of ideal gases. Just as oil and water represent two distinct liquid phases, two regions of a solid with distinctly. Phase equilibria one component course home syllabus lecture notes readings exams video lectures. Chem 340 lecture notes 9 fall 20 phase equilibria chap. Equilibrium phase diagrams represent the relationships between temperature and the compositions. Chapter 14 equilibrium notes page 3 of 6 pure solids and liquids. A final note on thermodynamics and phase transitions. For onecomponent system, existing in two phases, the chemical potentials of each of these phases is the same at equilibrium. Course home syllabus lecture notes readings exams video lectures download course materials. Phase equilibria and phase diagrams phase diagrams are one of the most important sources of information concerning the. For h2o, a typical diagram shows the temperature and pressure at which ice solid,water liquid. If we have just one phase in equilibrium, or way over in the solid or just gas or just liquid part of the phase diagram. If they all intersect, called triple point, three phases in equilibrium.

Material sciences and engineering mate271 week 7 12 l represents phase relationships as a function of temperature, pressure and composition equilibrium phases and microstructure but many useful diagrams are constructed for constant. Equilibrium is defined as a stage when chemical potential of any component present in the system stays steady with time. When these three phases coexist in equilibrium at a definite temperature and pressure, the chemical potential of water is the same in each phase. Drude theory of metals university of california, irvine. Phase is a region where the intermolecular interaction is spatially uniform or in. Phase equilibria clausiusclapeyron equation ehrenfest criteria, second order phase transitions.

A mixture of oil and water would also be a twophase system. Phase equilibria phase equilibria phase equilibrium describes the way phases such as solid, liquid andor gas coexist at some temperatures and pressure, but interchange at others. Typically, when we are talking about a triple point it is the solid, liquid, gas triple point. Phase equilibrium is the study of the equilibrium which exists between or within different states of matter namely solid, liquid and gas. Physical chemistry lecture notes thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and equilibrium. Lecture on the thermodynamics of phase equilibrium, with an.

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